sâmbătă, 18 septembrie 2010
Do you?
You know what?... The more you want to show me you don't care, the less I believe you. Masca asta a ta nu-si are rostul pentru ca iti face tie rau...si mie. Don't lie yourself cause you'll get over by making your feelings hurt. And that sucks. Cate palme ai primit de la viata?...Nici nu le poti numara. Dar palma mea te-a fct sa ma urasti asa? Don't worry, it's perfect. Picatura asta a umplut paharul, iar daca tie iti e
bine, imi e si mie. From now on I don't exist, u don't know me anymore. You're happy? I hope you are. Let's pretend we haven't ever existed one for another. It's better. I'll never forget this, but let's be ipocrit and create another reality cause that's fucking easier. Remember, nobody's perfect. I can assure you that this is only the start.Vei mai fi ranita de zece mii de ori, nu de la mine. And because you haven't been hurt actually on purpose, it was a mistake. And if you think deeper you'll see sometimes you made the same for me, but i was so ashamed that I just couldn`t defend myself right now. Cand te-ai descarcat, nu am vrut sa fac si eu asta. I couldn`t tell you and remind you your similar behaviour. But what i did, i regret from all my heart. I`m not fine. I'll never be.. until things fix up. Pana atunci incearca sa nu mai publici chestii care imi fac rau, gen facebook, blogspot, gen: C,C,R,V (inimioare). How foolish,childish, sweet and fucked-up thing. Congraz. What do i have to do right now? I`m not gonna say i`m sorry again, cause you don`t fucking care. Si ma umilesti degeaba. You are my greatest lost. Pround of your choises. I don`t deserve you, right. But do you?

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asta doar pentru ca in momentul de fata sunt fericita, si fiindca persoanele astea sunt alaturi de mine acum. stiu ca asta nu va fi pe vecie si ca multe se vor schimba, ei se vor schimba si eu ma voi schimba, dar acum ei sunt principalii, chiar daca au existat, mai exista si vor mai exista o groaza de persoane carora ar trebui sa le multumesc. si blogu asta e facut nu sa atrag atentia,ci sa arat ce simt cu adevarat.si da, nu imi e bine fara tine fiindca asa cum am fost noi nu a mai fost nimeni, insa pauza asta m-a facut sa ma cunosc mai bine :)
RăspundețiȘtergereaa deci e mai bine acum, asa esti multumita, like you said: "ii am pe ei si imi este de ajuns". Uau, oricate persoane ar fi in viata mea, pe cineva important nici una nu il va putea inlocui, nici macar toti adunati. remember this.